Community Foreword
Climate change may be the greatest collective challenge that our children and grandchildren and young people will face in their lifetimes. Challenges of this scale can only be tackled together: Individuals, families, businesses and all levels of government must work together to adapt and move to a net zero emissions future. It is everyone’s responsibility to get Climate Ready.
The ADAPT Loddon Mallee team was created over two years ago, bringing together a diverse group of passionate climate leaders, united by a common goal to confront this challenge head-on.
When the program started, the world was a different place. We’ve since seen some of the worst bushfires, floods, storms and heatwaves on record. We continue to live through a global pandemic. While these disasters signal the climate is changing, they also reveal the strength and resilience of our communities: Every challenge has been overcome by people working together.
Community involvement in planning and development is therefore vital if we are to achieve transformative social and environmental justice. For Victoria’s Climate Change Strategy to succeed at a statewide level, it needs to be applied to the real-world context of regional communities and landscapes; hence this plan.
Currently, many of the societal systems in place are maladaptive and implemented without consultation. They produce and sustain injustice, ecological destruction and the marginalisation of First Nations’ peoples.
In recent years, an increasing number of communities have begun working together to ensure a more equitable and just climate transition for all people. A future where our young people, and generations to come, don’t miss out on the opportunities and privileges we have today.
The Loddon Mallee Climate Ready Plan is the collective voice of our community. By focusing on collaboration and co-design across locations, ages, experience and skills sets, we build hope for the future and climate resilience, enshrined in community connection, increased support for people disproportionally impacted, an innovative distribution of ideas and more: We will become climate ready.
Our future is bright – and not just because of increased heat from the sun’s rays – but because as regional and rural Victorians, we shine stronger together.
ADAPT Leaders, Community People, Places and Youth Boards

We acknowledge and respect Victorian Traditional Owners as the original custodians of Victoria’s land and waters, their unique ability to care for Country and deep spiritual connection to it. We honour Elders past and present whose knowledge and wisdom has ensured the continuation of culture and traditional practices. We are committed to enabling self-determination for all Aboriginal people and aim to work closely with the Aboriginal community to drive action and improve outcomes especially in the context of a changing climate.