When fresh water ecologist and slow food advocate, Deborah Bogenhuber witnessed Mildura’s agricultural land whipped into the relentless dust storms of 2019-20 - she wanted to leave. But instead, she decided to stay do something about it...
"If we want to continue, not just farming but living here - we have to change the way that we farm, we do not have a choice."
Deb Bogenhuber | Executive Officer of Food Next Door

Troy Butler is a gardener and someone with his eye on the long game of systemic change. He loves working with young people and wants to give them the kind of opportunities to lead and learn that his own mentors and mates gave him...
"This is a leadership group - it’s much bigger than picking up rubbish - it's about thinking, 'how can we fix that problem?"
Troy Butler, Sustainability and Grounds Maryborough Education Centre

As the coordinator of Maldon Neighbourhood House, Amy Atkinson is at the heart of a vibrant, engaged and active community where the median age is approaching 60. Climate change isn’t talked about much in Maldon - even though the impacts of are likely to have a disproportionately negative affect on older people...
"We’re grass roots organisation - we’re activist organisations really, we can make change in the community."
Amy Attkinson | Maldon Community House Coordinator

The ADAPT Loddon Mallee Kids Climate Change Activity Book provides easy to understand, constructive information about climate change. The activity books draw on local places and animals children can recognize while empowering them with actions they can take to make a difference...
"It is actually very heart warming to see kids using the resource – kids are a great start because they take the books home and talk to their parents about it."
Dona Cayetana | ADAPT Loddon Mallee Project Coordinator

When fresh water ecologist and slow food advocate, Deborah Bogenhuber witnessed Mildura’s agricultural land whipped into the relentless dust storms of 2019-20 - she wanted to leave. But instead, she decided to stay do something about it...
"If we want to continue, not just farming but living here - we have to change the way that we farm, we do not have a choice."
Deb Bogenhuber | Executive Officer of Food Next Door

Troy Butler is a gardener and someone with his eye on the long game of systemic change. He loves working with young people and wants to give them the kind of opportunities to lead and learn that his own mentors and mates gave him...
"This is a leadership group - it’s much bigger than picking up rubbish - it's about thinking, 'how can we fix that problem?"
Troy Butler, Sustainability and Grounds Maryborough Education Centre

As the coordinator of Maldon Neighbourhood House, Amy Atkinson is at the heart of a vibrant, engaged and active community where the median age is approaching 60. Climate change isn’t talked about much in Maldon - even though the impacts of are likely to have a disproportionately negative affect on older people...
"We’re grass roots organisation - we’re activist organisations really, we can make change in the community."
Amy Attkinson | Maldon Community House Coordinator

The ADAPT Loddon Mallee Kids Climate Change Activity Book provides easy to understand, constructive information about climate change. The activity books draw on local places and animals children can recognize while empowering them with actions they can take to make a difference...
"It is actually very heart warming to see kids using the resource – kids are a great start because they take the books home and talk to their parents about it."
Dona Cayetana | ADAPT Loddon Mallee Project Coordinator

When fresh water ecologist and slow food advocate, Deborah Bogenhuber witnessed Mildura’s agricultural land whipped into the relentless dust storms of 2019-20 - she wanted to leave. But instead, she decided to stay do something about it...

Troy Butler is a gardener and someone with his eye on the long game of systemic change. He loves working with young people and wants to give them the kind of opportunities to lead and learn that his own mentors and mates gave him...

As the coordinator of Maldon Neighbourhood House, Amy Atkinson is at the heart of a vibrant, engaged and active community where the median age is approaching 60. Climate change isn’t talked about much in Maldon - even though the impacts of are likely to have a disproportionately negative affect on older people...

The ADAPT Loddon Mallee Kids Climate Change Activity Book provides easy to understand, constructive information about climate change. The activity books draw on local places and animals children can recognize while empowering them with actions they can take to make a difference...

When fresh water ecologist and slow food advocate, Deborah Bogenhuber witnessed Mildura’s agricultural land whipped into the relentless dust storms of 2019-20 - she wanted to leave. But instead, she decided to stay do something about it...

Troy Butler is a gardener and someone with his eye on the long game of systemic change. He loves working with young people and wants to give them the kind of opportunities to lead and learn that his own mentors and mates gave him...

As the coordinator of Maldon Neighbourhood House, Amy Atkinson is at the heart of a vibrant, engaged and active community where the median age is approaching 60. Climate change isn’t talked about much in Maldon - even though the impacts of are likely to have a disproportionately negative affect on older people...

The ADAPT Loddon Mallee Kids Climate Change Activity Book provides easy to understand, constructive information about climate change. The activity books draw on local places and animals children can recognize while empowering them with actions they can take to make a difference...

Stories of the Loddon Mallee
Explore all of our stories and projects
Climate Ready Maldon is working to raise awareness in the community about climate change and encourage early preparation. Hundreds of Climate Ready...
EndGame podcast is an evocative series of short, sound-rich audio features exploring the impacts of climate change on the more personal aspects...
The Food Next Door cooperative, connects underutilised farmland with landless framers to develop small-scale regenerative agricultural projects. These projects require access...
A group of keen gardeners in Rushworth concerned about extreme weather impact on their backyards witnessed their exotic plants suffer and fail...
The power to adapt to a changing climate resides within communities, and it’s been harnessed for maximum impact by the Regional Climate...
Students at Maryborough Education Centre (MEC) – a Prep to 12 and Specialist school in the Central Goldfields Shire – are taking the lead...
A two-day community activity, led by Barapa land and water, was held at Reedy Lake, near Kerang. The event focused on...
Knowing how to prepare for an emergency is critically important for all of us. That’s why Bendigo Community Health Services has created...
A small rural school on large grounds, Elphinstone Primary faces increased risks from bushfires and heatwaves, coupled with less rainfall. To adapt...
Sustainable community development starts with a focus on what’s strong, not wrong. For Neighbourhood Collective Australia, this means focusing on people’s strengths...
The Youth Climate Network is a support network for young people with a shared goal to protect our planet. It’s given us...
Research shows Victorians are overwhelmingly concerned about climate change, but shy away from discussing it among friends and neighbours. If we can’t...
When she was 12-years old, Jemille McKenzie escaped the worst of the 2009 Black Saturday bushfires thanks to her mother’s vigilance...
The Mount Macedon region supports small but significant stands of Snow Gum (Eucalyptus pauciflora), which generally rely on cold conditions. As the...
In the small Mallee town of Birchip, they’ve planted trees – 170 at last count – to ramp up the shade and cool down...
La Trobe University is harnessing the solar potential of our region to achieve net zero carbon emissions by 2022 for all its...
A plan has been created combining the Dja Dja Wurrung’s traditional ecological knowledge with contemporary water sensitive urban design to heal a...
A ‘cool climate relict’ the threatened Black Gum (Eucalyptus aggregata) faces a dire future with climate change making its habitat hotter and...
Welshman’s Reef winemaker, Ron Snepp, has experienced first-hand how difficult adapting to a changing climate can be. Ron said climate change has...
A new Victoria Drought Resilience Adoption and Innovation Hub has recently been created. The Hub will give farmers and farming communities the...
Cultivate Farms, founded by Dingee Dairy farmer Sam Marwood, explores and helps to create new farm ownership opportunities for next gen farmers...
Mount Alexander Bio-energy Group has been working with government departments and local businesses in the Castlemaine area to scope the potential for...
Bendigo and Adelaide Bank offsets its carbon emissions from necessary travel by partnering with the not-for-profit carbon offset provider, Greenfleet. Since our...
Integrated Recycling is laying tracks towards a circular economy with their innovative Duratrack railway sleepers. Made from waste plastics sourced from Mildura...
Hardwick’s has been operating in Kyneton for over forty years. In 2019, Hardwick’s installed a microgrid system using 2.5 megawatts of field-mounted...
We acknowledge and respect Victorian Traditional Owners as the original custodians of Victoria’s land and waters, their unique ability to care for Country and deep spiritual connection to it. We honour Elders past and present whose knowledge and wisdom has ensured the continuation of culture and traditional practices. We are committed to enabling self-determination for all Aboriginal people and aim to work closely with the Aboriginal community to drive action and improve outcomes especially in the context of a changing climate.