
Hardwick Microgrid System

Hardwick’s has been operating in Kyneton for over forty years. In 2019, Hardwick’s installed a microgrid system using 2.5 megawatts of field-mounted…

Duratrack Railway Sleepers

Integrated Recycling is laying tracks towards a circular economy with their innovative Duratrack railway sleepers. Made from waste plastics sourced from Mildura…

Black Gum Waterways Project

A ‘cool climate relict’ the threatened Black Gum (Eucalyptus aggregata) faces a dire future with climate change making its habitat hotter and…

Reimaging Bendigo Creek Project

A plan has been created combining the Dja Dja Wurrung’s traditional ecological knowledge with contemporary water sensitive urban design to heal a…

Bushfire Ready Resources

When she was 12-years old, Jemille McKenzie escaped the worst of the 2009 Black Saturday bushfires thanks to her mother’s vigilance…

Climate Ready Maldon

Climate Ready Maldon is working to raise awareness in the community about climate change and encourage early preparation. Hundreds of Climate Ready…

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